Thursday, 13 June 2024

Day 26: Night Gallery

Once again,  no riding today. We are both nursing colds. Nan has a NAN cold. I have a MAN cold. You should know which is worse. One of us is on death's door, the other is battling it like a champ.

There are several art galleries within a short walking distance from where we are staying so we took a walk early in the day.  Even though it was hot, we were walking from gallery to gallery so we weren't getting crushed by the heat as each gallery is nicely air conditioned. 

None of the galleries charged an admission though they are hoping we will walk in and drop $100,000 on a piece of artwork. And we saw several six figure pieces of art, even though it was at times hard to understand. Sadly, no pictures because the galleries take a dim view of photography so just take my word for it: some of that art is weird.

After touring five galleries, we stopped in at Whole-Lotta-Money Foods to pick up something for lunch and dinner tonight. When I was looking online for an Airbnb rental I saw someone complaining about one contender that the kitchen was lacking in implements and really didn't have enough to do anything but the most basic prep. And then says "but who goes to Santa Fe to cook dinner?" Well, that would be us because we were getting sick to death of restaurant food.

Outdoor artwork in the gallery district.

The entryway to one gallery, where they did NOT sell the art, had an interactive display at the entryway.

A camera would image people as they walk in and give them a new look.

A bee sanctuary in the rail yard.

The commuter train that runs
between Santa Fe to Albuquerque. It is 100 miles for $10 and takes just over an hour.

This convenience store is across the street from where we are staying. We stopped in yesterday just to have a look and see what kind of things they had. It is a PLUMBING supply store that has an espresso machine and a variety of canned goods and snack foods, including Twinkies. Made in 1937.


  1. Howie, I'm missing your Oilers updates? Does this mean that you stopped watching?

  2. Haven't stopped watching! Just kind of depressed. Never thought I would see them being down 3-0. We were all excited yesterday because we thought we were going to be able tonsee the game on our big screen TV but that didn't work either. It was probably an omen.

    1. As the saying goes, It ain't over until it's over. Believe.
      Sorry to hear that you two are sick with colds! Get better soon.

    2. We haven't completely given up hope. But i would say that our expectations are lower.

  3. Pretty sure Nan will survive. She may learn to drive the bike and leave me here.

  4. Hey Little Red! Send us an email!


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Day 42: Home Sweet Home

West Kelowna, BC Distance for the day: 282.7.5 km Cumulative distance: 9,665.7 km Top speed: 119 kph Moving average: 75 kph Temperature:  21...